A Twitter Powered Gumball Machine

Before the era of Facebook-powered Christmas trees, Twitter-powered vending machines, and social-powered trucks, there was Tweat a Tweat—the pioneer of Twitter-powered innovations. Back in 2011, during my tenure at Phlter Communications, we were in the midst of pitching a new type of vending machine concept to a major CPG brand for a significant activation campaign. To demonstrate the technical feasibility of our idea, I took the initiative to craft the very first 'Twitter-Powered Machine.' Armed with an Arduino, a servo motor, a connection tool to the Twitter API (Thingspeak), and a trusty gumball machine, I embarked on the journey to bring Tweat a Tweat to life.

The Outcomes

The outcomes of the Twitter-powered gumball machine were remarkable. Not only did it earn us credibility with our clients, but it also garnered recognition and acclaim within the industry. Tweat a Tweat received prestigious awards, including the W3 and Webby Awards, along with features in renowned publications such as Adweek, Think with Google, Huffington Post, and The New York Times. The innovation even earned us a spot at the International Maker Faire in Pittsburgh in 2012, where we proudly showcased our invention within the esteemed "Technology and Innovation" hub, sharing our groundbreaking creation with the world.

Tweet a Tweat's groundbreaking launch sparked widespread interest, inspiring countless technologists, advertisers, and students to embark on their own coding endeavors. Its impact reverberated across the industry, catalyzing growth and innovation in the IoT space. Today, connected machines have seamlessly integrated into our lives, transcending mere campaign tactics to become essential components of daily interactions.


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