The Smart Coffee Holder

In response to a pressing consumer dilemma, we embarked on a mission to revolutionize the coffee experience. Recognizing the inconvenience and financial loss incurred when consumers run out of coffee at home midweek, often resorting to costly coffee shop purchases, we endeavored to devise a solution.

Leveraging the power of IoT and smart devices, we conceived Joe - The Smart Coffee Holder. Our goal was not just to prevent coffee shortages but to transform the consumer's relationship with coffee, aiming to increase home coffee consumption and divert spending back to our client. With the average attachment rate of 1.4 cups per day, even a modest increase of one additional cup per week, by avoiding coffee shop visits, could translate to significant revenue potential, estimated at 320 million annually.

The Outcomes

While Joe remained a prototype, its conceptualization sparked the development of a new line of smart connected coffee makers and machines for our client, ushering in a new era of innovation in the coffee industry. Furthermore, it catalyzed a paradigm shift in consumer behavior, highlighting the importance of Direct-To-Consumer models and prompting our CPG client to reimagine their business strategy. Additionally, as mobile ordering was just beginning to emerge, the basic app accompanying Joe underscored the significance of on-the-go shopping, offering a glimpse into the future of retail experiences.


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